Solar investments

Solar investments: advantages of investments in alternative energy sector

With each passing year and the fluctuation of oil or gas prices on stock exchanges, the need to develop the alternative energy sector is increasing. Unfortunately, little attention is paid to this sector in Ukraine, but recent years have shown an increasing interest in renewable energy. Only in the first quarter of this year, new alternative energy capacities have appeared as much as they were put into operation during the whole previous period. Many companies already make solar investments, assessing their profitability.
The total volume of new alternative energy facilities is 848 mW, where solar power plants provide 684 mW. This area is promising and requires financial investments. For its development, the state offers favorable conditions to enterprises and households that use electricity generated by alternative energy sources for their needs. There is a “green tariff” for which the price of 1 kWh is 18 eurocents.
Investing in solar energy allows you to get 18-20% per annum, which is higher than the profit from a bank deposit or rental of residential property.
The purpose of introducing the “green tariff” is to develop the electricity market and its diversity. In the future, the government intends to hold auctions where electricity will be purchased from companies and individuals through tenders.
Such conditions for investment in renewable energy in Ukraine attract foreign companies. The direction of solar energy, which is actively developing in many countries, is particularly relevant.
Its popularity is due to relatively low costs of electricity production from solar energy. Panels which catch light, do not need special maintenance, all occurs with the minimum involvement of the person.

Solar investment is also profitable in terms of return on investment. With the right equipment with high efficiency, the panels will be profitable for a long time.
According to the legislation, a private person can install solar power plants with a capacity not exceeding 30 kW. This is quite enough to provide the house with electricity, and its surplus to sell at 0.18 euros for 1 kW / h.

The initial budget for the construction of the plant is 6 thousand dollars, 15% of which will be spent on the purchase of equipment and its installation. The rest can be taken from the bank – the country has a credit program to support alternative energy.
The capacity of industrial Sanitary and Epidemiological Station is from 1 mW and more. Stations from 5-10 mW and above are popular with foreign investors. Investments in solar energy are profitable for enterprises that can provide electricity for themselves and reduce utility bills. In addition, the surplus can be sold to the state, generating income.