Millionaires of the world: in whose hands is the capital of the planet
Money is unevenly distributed among people and countries. The largest capital is concentrated in the hands of a small number of people, but they have a huge impact on the market and processes in society. 85% of all capital is owned by the world’s millionaires, who account for 10% of the world’s population.
In just six months, the number of people whose condition is estimated at $1 million and above has increased by 1 million. According to the report of analysts, 47 million rich people are registered in the world, which is more than the number of people in Ukraine. For the current year the income of the population has increased by 9.1 trillion dollars, now it is 360 trillion dollars. According to average estimates, the capital of one person is 70.85 thousand dollars, and has increased by 1.2% compared to the previous period. The wealthiest people live in Switzerland, with 564 thousand dollars per person. But the results are based on general data, so the real picture may be quite different.
The following figures are accurate: 10% of millionaires own 85% of the world’s money, while the remaining 90% of the population share only 18% of capital. Despite the fact that the rich own a huge fortune, it is shrinking. In 2000, 89% of the money was concentrated in their hands.
In summer, the famous business magazine Bloomberg presented its rating of families-millionaires. First place belongs to the owners of the Walmart retail chain – the Walton family. Their fortune was estimated at 190 billion dollars. The second position in the list with a capital of $126 billion was taken by chocolate producers under the Mars brand – the Mars family. Next comes the owners of the petrochemical company Koch Industries, whose fortune is $125 billion.
The fourth position was taken by representatives of the royal dynasty in Saudi Arabia, with $100 billion at their disposal. The five leaders are the Wertheimer family and their $57 billion. They own the Chanel fashion house.
Among the celebrities are also quite a few millionaires, and their fortune does not depend on age. Among the celebrities up to 30 years of age can be found quite a large number of rich people, and many have achieved their fortune on their own. For example, the most wealthy famous person of our time was Kylie Jenner, who is only 21 years old. According to official data, she owns about 166 million dollars. Jenner belongs to the Kardashian family, in addition she is a popular model and owns its own cosmetics brand. Second place went to a singer Ed Sheeran. At the age of 27, he owns $110 million. The list also includes athletes – the bank account of Brazilian footballer Neymar has $90 million, and the 26-year-old has every chance to increase his capital.