Biography of George Soros: Important milestones in professional development.
The identity of George Soros is ambiguous. On the one hand, he is known as an outstanding financier, a successful investor, whose charitable activities are conducted in many countries around the world. But on the other hand, many criticize the ways in which he earned his capital and how honestly he conducts his business. It is interesting to know the biography of George Soros, which can give a better understanding of this famous man.
The future billionaire György Soros was born in Budapest in 1930 to a Jewish family. His father was a lawyer who spent several years in captivity in World War I. So he always raised his son so that he could survive under any circumstances. His mother introduced him to art, encouraging him to study painting and languages.
At school, the boy was not the best pupil, but he gladly participated in fights and could persuade people to his side using eloquence.
World War II turned the lives of Hungarian Jews upside down. George’s family was hiding, his father faked documents to help his countrymen. This experience changed the young man, and after the war he decided to leave the country. In 1947, at the age of 17, Soros, taking money from his father and aunt from the United States, went to Switzerland, and then to London, where he worked as a waiter, painter, and apple picker.
In 1949 he became a student of the School of Economics and graduated from it in 2 years. However, education did not bring him a stable income and good work. Soros wanted a lot of money, and decided that the investment sphere is a great way to get it. He got a job as an intern at a bank, and by 1956 he changed his place of residence to New York. George was buying up securities from one country and selling them in another country. However, in 1963 the U.S. introduced an additional tax on this activity, and Soros decided to switch to more profitable projects.
He went on to become the head of research at a brokerage company, and a few years later became the fund manager here. After gaining the necessary experience, he founded his company in 1973. His fund Quantum was engaged in exchange operations in the securities and currency market, and this activity brought good profits. In the 80s, the capital of Soros was over $100 million.
The fund earned the most profit in 1992 when the pound fell. Then experts said that Soros and his company had laid hands on the collapse of the currency.
Now George Soros is engaged in charity and financially helps many countries. His Open Society Foundation allocates a lot of money for the development of cultural projects and scientific research in countries that need it.